WATCH: It’s “F*** Joe Biden” Season Again, As Awesome Video Highlights

It’s fall, and so college football is back and with it the crowds of tens of thousands who have a very dim view of the current nursing home resident-in-chief. Such could be seen in an awesome video of fans around the country going wild with resounding “F*** Joe Biden!” chants.

As background, “f*** Joe Biden” grew rapidly in popularity as a chant in 2021, when inflation began to rage for the first time and the Afghanistan disaster happened, followed as it was shortly afterward by the college football season and the collection in one place of tens of thousands of normal, conservative Americans that comes with it.

So, as the chant spread around the country, so did clips and videos of fans joining in to mock the disastrously bad president and his terrible administration, much to the chagrin of woke university administrators. Watch the awesome moments here, in anticipation for the chant hear round the country in 2021 and 2022 during football season coming back in 2023.

Interestingly, many of the chants were started not by the older, more stereotypically conservative members of the crowds, though they joined in as well, but rather the student sections at the games. Whether thanks to alcohol, the generally right-wing outlook of fraternities at schools known for their football programs, something else, or some combination thereof, it was a recurrent trend that showed some glimmer of hope for America and her younger generations.

Such incidents occurred around the nation, with the various “Old Row” fraternity-themed accounts posting videos of college kids at schools like Alabama, Texas A&M, Auburn, and North Carolina State joining in the fun and mocking the senile president.

Though college football season is just getting going and the FJB chants and videos of them are yet to start taking social media by storm, this year is looking promising for the topic, as Biden’s increasingly obvious senility and the corruption issue surrounding his family are raising the political consciousness of Americans and getting them angry at the president.

Rep. Jim Jordan recently highlighted some of the seemingly damning news, saying, “The four central facts are one, Hunter Biden was put on the board of Burisma and paid a boatload of money; two he wasn’t qualified to serve on the board of Burisma; three, Burisma asked him to weigh in with D.C. to help them with the prosecutor who was applying pressure to them, who was investigating them; four, Joe Biden goes to Ukraine, leverages American tax dollars to fire that prosecutor. Those are four central facts that are never going to change.

He added, “At some point, [the Biden DOJ has] got to do something. So they go with the one charge that has no links to the White House, the gun charge, and they announce it two days after the speaker announces that there’s an impeachment inquiry that’s been launched by the House of Representatives.

So, with the Biden impeachment cooking, the economy teetering, inflation ticking back up, and college football season kicking off, FJB season is looking like it could make a comeback in a big way.

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hmmm niceee



Check hmmm

Check hmmm .. Nice ..:)

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