Sofia Vergara has been dropping sizzling photos on her social media lately, making her Instagram page one to watch out for this summer. The actress posted pictures of her relaxing in Ravello, Italy, wearing a blue leopard-print one-piece swimsuit. Two photos featured the 51-year-old with a bottle and a glass of water, and in the other shot, Sofia was applying sunscreen to her skin.
The Modern Family actress wrote in her caption, “Last days of vacay! Even when u r so hot, I love u, Ravello!!!” with two grinning emojis. A witty fan picked up the caption to creatively comment that she was “even hotter than Ravello.” Sofia’s photos sent fans and followers gushing over her gorgeousness in the comments. “Mother is mothering,” another fan cheered.
Sofia’s tips on maintaining her summer body
Undoubtedly, it takes some work to look as good as Sofia does in her swimsuits. Thankfully, the actress is not secretive regarding her beauty and fitness routines. She also swears by quality skincare, like sunscreen, as is evident from her photos. The TV personality also launched her 360-suncare line, Toty, which aims to “protect your belleza” with sunscreen, skincare, makeup, and wellness products.
Sofia also follows a simple and consistent workout routine even though she does not like to exercise much. “Joe built a very nice gym in the house, so I don’t have any excuses,” Sofia told Wonderwall in 2017. The Hot Pursuit star admitted to taking exercise more seriously in her 40s when she noticed “a softness everywhere” in her body. “…I knew it was time to do something, so I did,” Sofia said.
Fans are concerned over birthday post from Sofia’s partner
While Sofia has been on her birthday getaway in Italy, her partner Joe Manganiello celebrated her birthday on July 10th with a somewhat dispassionate post. The True Blood alum posted a blurry photo of Sofia with a sharp caption that read, “¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños Sofía.” Due to the usual endearing posts from the couple, fans were skeptical about the contrast in Joe’s tribute to Sofia.
“Am I the only one who doesn’t like the way it sounds? ‘Sofia…. not even ‘My love, My beloved wife,’” a concerned fan asked in the comments. “Ok this is weird. I’m scared,” someone else added. The couple first met in 2014 at the White House Correspondents dinner and married the following year.