Groom discovered his new wife was actually a man 12 days after their wedding

The new husband began to get suspicious while the couple were on their honeymoon

The honeymoon period ended pretty quickly for a newly married couple in Indonesia after the husband discovered that his new wife was actually a man.

It’s not uncommon for people to keep a few little secrets from their partners, but usually they amount to how much money you really spent while out shopping, or the fact you secretly binged the entire series you were meant to be watching together.

Less often is that ‘little secret’ the fact that you’re someone entirely different to who you’re claiming to be.

It was just 12 days after the wedding that the truth came out in this particular relationship, which involved a 26-year-old man from Indonesia, known as AK, and his new ‘wife’, Adinda Kanza.

The pair had been dating for about a year after meeting online.

However, it wasn’t until they went on their honeymoon that AK reportedly began to get suspicious, and questioned why his new spouse refused to be intimate with him even after they were legally married.

AK also noted that Adinda ‘refused to communicate with the people outside, including my family’.

Police said there was 'no suspicion' about Adinda at the wedding. (Newsflash)

Police said there was ‘no suspicion’ about Adinda at the wedding. (Newsflash)

Less than two weeks after the wedding, AK learned that his new wife was actually not a woman at all.

With support from his family, AK reported Adinda to the police, who launched an investigation into the unusual situation.

The police claimed that Adinda behaved ‘like a woman’ and had a feminine-sounding voice, and noted that ‘if you look at their wedding photos, Adinda looks exactly like a real woman’.

Images of the couple show Adinda dressed in a red gown, his head adorned with jewels and his face made up with eye makeup and red lipstick.

He has his arm looped through AK’s, who wore a matching red and gold suit and a hat.

Adinda's real identity was confirmed by his dad. (Newsflash)

Adinda’s real identity was confirmed by his dad. (Newsflash)

“He also has a gentle voice and tone, so there was no suspicion at all about him being a woman,” the police added after assessing the matter.

It’s largely unclear why Adinda posed as a woman and went as far as to get married to AK, but local media has reported that he has now been arrested by police and told them that he’d married AK to steal his family’s assets.

Once the news came to light, police were able to confirm Adinda’s identity by tracking down his father, who Adinda had claimed had been missing for years.

The father confirmed that Adinda was indeed a man.

ESH is reportedly facing fraud charges and could face up to four years in prison.

The investigation into the matter is ongoing.

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