Dad speaks out after punching comedian in the face for making ‘se xu@lized’ joke about three-month-old son

The dad who went viral after punching a comedian in the face has spoken out

A dad who punched a comedian in the face for making an alleged ‘sexualized’ joke about his young son has spoken out.

A clip of the violent scene has gone viral on social media over the past 24 hours.

Spanish comedian Jaime Caravaca had been performing in Alicante, Spain when a man approached the stage.

Before striking the comedian in the face, the man said: “Those paedophilic comments about my son… say them to my face… you piece of trash… now!”

The father punched the comedian in the face. (X)

The father punched the comedian in the face. (X)

The man has since been identified as far-right activist Alberto Pugilato, who subsequently assaulted Caravaca over comments he had made online.

Pugilato was not actually referring to a joke the comedian made on the set last night, but instead comments made by hard-left Caravaca on social media.

Pugilato had posted a photo of him and his young son on X in recent days with a caption saying: “Pride and joy.”

However, the comedian had gone into the comments below, penning: “No one will be able to avoid the possibility of [your son] being gay’ and that when he is older he will become sick of ‘sucking black d***’.”

Speaking at the gig, Pugilato shouted: “What were you saying, huh? That my son was going to eat c***? He’s three-months-old. Trash. Now what? Say it to my face… say it to my face now.”

Pugilato has since commented following the attack, telling MultiCanal Radio: “I have been very uneasy, with a feeling that I have not had in my life, very unpleasant and until I have had it in front of me I have not found peace.”

The comedian has also spoken out since the incident by issuing a statement on X.

He said: “After what happened, what was intended to be a joke was ultimately an unfortunate and not at all appropriate comment on my part.

The dad has spoken out after punching a comedian. (X/@Albertopugilat)

The dad has spoken out after punching a comedian. (X/@Albertopugilat)

“My apologies to anyone who feels affected. Let’s put violence aside, and leave a good world for people to grow free.”

Pugilato subsequently responded by accepting the apology.

“I accept your apology, Jaime. I defend freedom of expression in the same way that I defend the right to respond,” he wrote.

“I do not wish you any harm and I hope this helps others understand that children are sacred. All the best.”

Police were called to the scene but no arrests were made as the comedian decided against filing a complaint.

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hmmm niceee

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