Man immediately rejected from job interview after failing simple test at reception

An innovative take on the interviewing process, but were they right to dismiss him?

We all get the pre-match jitters when heading into an interview, but it’s how you deal with them that’s key.

You’re too nervous to speak to people, trying to get in your zen.

You start speaking to yourself, ‘your name is Joe, don’t f*ck that up’, then you get introduced, ‘hi Joe, come and sit down, I’m Neal’. S**t, he just said your line. You reply, ‘hi I’m Neal’.

A Reddit user has explained why their boss turned down a candidate before the formal interview started. (Getty stock photo)

A Reddit user has explained why their boss turned down a candidate before the formal interview started. (Getty stock photo)

Yes we’ve all been there, but one person has taken to Reddit to share just what not to do.

Speaking on the social media platform, they said: “Today, a candidate blew his interview in the first five minutes after he entered the building. He was dismissive to the receptionist.

“She greeted him and he barely made eye contact. She tried to engage him in conversation. Again, no eye contact, no interest in speaking with her.

“What the candidate did not realize was that the ‘receptionist’ was actually the hiring manager.

I don’t care if you are nervous, I think human decency should tell you to be nice to everyone – in fact I would say the number one piece of advice I would give to anyone prepping for a job is – don’t be an a**.

However, this guy clearly didn’t get the memo, you have got to be on your best behavior from the second you walk through the door… that should go without saying.

The man was visibly rude to the receptionist, the Redditor shared. (Getty stock photo)

The man was visibly rude to the receptionist, the Redditor shared. (Getty stock photo)

The Redditor didn’t stop there, they continued: “She called him back to the conference room and explained how every single person on our team is valuable and worthy of respect.

“Due to his interaction with the “receptionist,” the hiring manager did not feel he was a good fit. Thank you for your time but the interview is over.

“Be nice to everyone in the building.”

But with the internet being the internet, people were quick to defend the candidate.

One user said: “Yeah I was thinking he might have just been really nervous or just simply preoccupied going over interview responses in his head.”

'Be nice to everyone in the building' were the wise words that the Redditor's boss delivered to the arrogant candidate. (Getty stock photo)

‘Be nice to everyone in the building’ were the wise words that the Redditor’s boss delivered to the arrogant candidate. (Getty stock photo)

Justifying their stance, the original poster edited the initial post adding: “It wasn’t just lack of eye contact. He was openly rude and treated her like she was beneath him.

“When he thought he was talking to the decision maker, personality totally changed. Suddenly he was friendly, open, relaxed. So I don’t think this was a case of social anxiety.

“The position is a client facing position where being warm, approachable, outgoing is critical.”

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