Kind Cashier Rewarded as Grandma Honors Promise and Shares Lottery Winnings

Have you ever daydreamed about winning the lottery? It’s a common fantasy for many of us. But what if you made a promise to share your winnings with someone else? Would you actually follow through on that promise if you hit the jackpot?

Well, Marion Forrest from Rancho Mirage, Palm Springs, did exactly that after her lucky numbers came up in the Fantasy 5 lottery. It all began when Marion, an 86-year-old grandmother, stopped by her local Duke’s Mini Mart to purchase her weekly ticket and play her usual numbers.

Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on her side initially. However, one day, Walter, the cashier at Duke’s, suggested that Marion try buying her ticket a little earlier than usual. He thought that a change in routine might be just what she needed, even if she stuck with her usual numbers.

Marion chuckled at Walter’s suggestion but decided to give it a try. She purchased her ticket and made a promise to Walter that if her luck turned around, she would share her winnings with him.

To everyone’s surprise, Marion’s fortunes changed! It was her lucky day! Although she didn’t win the grand jackpot, she did manage to scoop $300. And true to her word, Marion remembered her promise and headed straight to Duke’s with joy in her heart.

Accompanied by her granddaughter Heide, Marion walked into Duke’s carrying an envelope and a pair of balloons with Walter’s name on them. They presented Walter with this unexpected surprise, along with the warmest of hugs.

If you’re curious to see the whole news story and witness Walter’s reaction for yourself, you can watch the video below. It’s a heartwarming tale of keeping promises and spreading joy.

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Check hmmm

Check hmmm .. Nice ..:)

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